
Scarica qui i prodotti della ricerca:


Rapporto 1: stato dell'arte

01_1 Strategie ed azioni integrate trasporti-territorio

01_2 Casi di studio


Rapporto 2: uno strumento di supporto alle decisioni per la pianificazione integrata trasporti-territorio

02_1 Il modello matematico d'interazione trasporti-territorio

Scenario Compatto_01_P

Scenario Compatto_01_C

Scenario Compatto_02_P

Scenario Compatto_02_C

Scenario PRG_P

Scenario PRG_C

Scenario Sprawl_01_P

Scenario Sprawl_02_C

Scenario TOD_01_P

Scenario TOD_02_C



COPPOLA, P., PAPA, E., ANGIELLO, G., & CARPENTIERI, G. (2014). Urban form and sustainability: the case study of Rome. PROCEDIA: SOCIAL & BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES, 160, 557–566.

COPPOLA, P., PAPA, E., & ANGIELLO, G. (2014). Gravity-Based Accessibility Measures (GRAbaM) for sustainable development of Rome urban area. In M. te Brömmelstroet,, C. Silva, & L. Bertolini (Eds.), Assessing usability of accessibility instruments (pp. 65–72). Bruxelles, Belgium: COST Office.

COPPOLA, P., PAPA, E., ANGIELLO, G., & CARPENTIERI, G. (2014). Urban form and sustainability: a scenario analysis for the city of Rome. Joint Conference CITTA 7th Annual Conference and COST TU1002 Final Conference “Bridging the Implementation Gap of Accessibility Instruments and Planning Support Systems”, Abstracts. Presented at the Joint Conference CITTA 7th Annual Conference and COST TU1002 Final Conference “Bridging the Implementation Gap of Accessibility Instruments and Planning Support Systems.”

COPPOLA, P., & PAPA, E. (2013). Accessibility planning tools for sustainable and integrated Land Use/Transport (LUT) development: an application to Rome. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 87, 133-146.

GARGIULO, C. (2014). Integrazione trasporti-territorio: strumenti, interventi e best practices verso la Smart City.

NUZZOLO, A., COPPOLA, P., & PAPA, E. (2014). Urban from and sustainability: modelling evidences from the empirical case study of RomeE. ETC European Transport Conference 2014, Proceedings (pp. 1–20). Presented at the ETC European Transport Conference 2014, AET 2014 and contributors.

NUZZOLO, A., COPPOLA, P., & PAPA, E. (2014). Marginal Activity Access Cost (MAAC): a new indicator for sustainable Land Use/Transport (LUT) planning. PROCEDIA: SOCIAL & BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES, 111, 450–459.

PAPA, E., & COPPOLA, P. (2012). Gravity-based accessibility measures for integrated transport-land use planning (GraBAM). In A. Hull, C. Silva, & L. Bertolini (Eds.), Accessibility instruments for planning practice (pp. 117–124). Brussels, Belgium: COST Office.

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 ©2011Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II